Posts tagged Delaware


Welcome to Bombay Hook National Wildlife Refuge in Smyrna, Delaware.

At Bombay Hook National Wildlife Refuge, you can see all sorts of wildlife and scenery even during the Winter!welcome to bombay hook IMG_8634

I saw two foxes…bombay hook fox IMG_7624

And swans…bombay hook swans IMG_7541And great blue herons…bombay hook great blue heron IMG_7593

And migrating geese!  I also saw ducks, eagles, hawks, and bunnies! migrating geese at bombay hook IMG_7562The scenery was beautiful, too!Bombay Hook scenery IMG_8642With all its nature trails, observation towers, great scenery, and lots of wildlife,
Bombay Hook NWR is Mr. Pish Approved!

For more information on Bombay Hook National Wildlife Refuge, click here.Mr Pish Approved