Posts tagged South Carolina


Welcome to Hagood Mill Historic Site in Pickens, South Carolina.

Now I know that sounds boring, but it’s not! There are so many ways to have fun at Hagood Mill!Hagood Mill Historic Site hmIMG_8576You can explore, hike, picnic and learn cool things!
This is the pretty stream that runs past the Mill!Hagood Mill Historic Site  hmIMG_8596There’s so much to see here.  I need to take a quick break!Hagood Mill Historic Site  hmIMG_8609Hmmm, what should I explore next?Hagood Mill Historic Site  hmIMG_85825000 years old?!  Now that’s old!Hagood Mill Historic Site  hmIMG_8595Can you imagine having to carve your bowl out of a big rock?  WOW!Hagood Mill Historic Site  hmIMG_8594With so many neat things to do, you could spend a whole day at Hagood Mill! I love learning and being outside, and pets are welcome! Hagood Mill is Mr. Pish Approved!

For more information on Hagood Mill Historic Site, click here.Mr Pish Approved